We share the educational mission of the Catholic Church. Regardless of faith tradition, sexual orientation, ethnic or socio-economic background, The Summit seeks to embrace all children.
Mission & Philosophy
The Summit Country Day School is a Catholic, independent school grounded in the values of our founders, the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. Our mission is:
►To challenge every student, faculty and staff member to share fully the gifts that have been given to them by God;
►To grow in grace and wisdom;
►To develop spiritually, academically, physically, socially and artistically and;
►To become leaders of character who value and improve the world they inherit.
Our Five Pillars
Our mission is to develop leaders of character across five pillars: spiritual, academic, physical, social and artistic.
We promote academic excellence thorugh a rigorous curriculum, highly trained and experienced faculty, small classrooms and exceptional facilities.
We value a lifelong commitment to a healthy lifestyle as part of a holistic approach to overall wellness.
We teach character-based leadership in a co-educational environment.
We encourage self-expression through fine arts, writing, musical and theatrical performance and other creative pursuits.
Our Philosophy
We provide exceptional educational experiences that transform children into leaders of character who have the knowledge and skills to make the world a better place. Learn more.
Coeducation Advantages
Given The Summit's mission to teach the whole child, our program is coeducational. Learning how to manage relationships and talk with each other is critical to the development of emotional intelligence in children. Learn more.
Independent Schools
We are an independent school and answer to an independent board of trustees. Summit has the freedom to determine its own mission and design the programs that best serve our students. Learn more.
Our Founding Sisters
The Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur founded The Summit in 1890 and, although we became independent in 1984, we continue to have an affiliation agreement with the Sisters and carry on in their tradition. Learn more.
Notre Dame Hallmarks
Hallmarks are the essential characteristics, values and activities of a Notre Dame de Namur learning community. The hallmarks answer the question: “What makes a learning community a Notre Dame Learning Community?” The culmination of discussions between the sisters and their learning communities resulted in these seven Hallmarks that concisely and beautifully express the values of a Notre Dame Learning Community.
- We proclaim by our lives even more than by our words that God is good.
- We honor the dignity and sacredness of each person.
- We educate for and act on behalf of justice, peace, and care for all creation.
- We commit ourselves to community service.
- We embrace the gift of diversity.
- We create community among those with whom we work and with those we serve.
- We develop holistic learning communities which educate for life.