Lower School

Building Skills and Confidence

Lower School is where curiosity, creativity and confidence grow. With a hands-on approach that brings learning to life, children engage with teachers, collaborate in groups and participate in integrated learning opportunities. The playfulness that starts in the Montessori program allows them to stay joyful while experiencing new concepts, challenges and friendships. After Grade 4, students transition to Middle School prepared for what’s ahead.   

Our Five Pillars

Our mission is to develop leaders of character across five pillars: spiritual, academic, physical, social and artistic.  

girl receiving communion
The Spiritual Pillar

Between attending religion classes, engaging in prayer services and participating in volunteer opportunities, children explore what it means to live a faith-based life. Our mission is to develop leaders of character who make a difference in the world.

"It is important to know each child and encourage them to work hard, be kind and use their gifts and talents. The Hallmarks of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur are present in all that happens here."
– Mrs. Ceil Johnson, Retired Grade 1 Teacher

girl and boy in classroom
The Academic Pillar

Professional learning specialists partner with teachers to ensure students are progressing appropriately. By applying a data-based approach using pre- and post-unit assessments, these educators are positioned to adapt instruction for maximum impact on student growth.

“I hope that my students will remember having fun, working on enjoyable activities and projects, and being appreciated and valued as the wonderful individuals that they are.”
– Mrs. Julia Almaguer, Math Specialist

boys soccer team laughing
The Physical Pillar

Physical play, especially outdoors, is always a favorite of students during the school day. In addition to top quality playground facilities, students enjoy PE class where they learn motor skills, social skills and sportsmanship.

"My philosophy is to introduce lifetime activities to students, so they have many options to help them live a healthy lifestyle. Competition is healthy and allows students to put their best foot forward and push themselves both physically and mentally."
– Mr. Cary Daniel, Physical Education Teacher

students doing an outdoor activity
The Social Pillar

Traits like gratitude, empathy, respect and humility show up in everyday life through the relationships that children build and grow. Capstone projects guide children to engage in action-based assignments that combine their classroom learning with opportunities for leadership development.

“Summit not only educates academically, but also encourages my child to grow into a caring, loving person as well.”
– Lower School Parent, 2022-23

students performing in chapel
The Artistic Pillar

Combining art appreciation, solid writing skills and critical thinking is the key to Summit’s longstanding tradition of winning the Jerry Tollifson Art Criticism Open. It’s not unusual for Summit students to sweep these awards, and it’s all due to art education beginning in Grade 1.

“I hope my students learn new art terminology, techniques and cultural influences they can build upon. The ability to see student growth from year to year is one of my favorite things about my role.”
– Mrs. Hilary Carvitti, Art Teacher

Meet The Teachers

Highly-trained faculty, state-of-the-art resources and innovative curriculum have resulted in distinctive programs that make The Summit Country Day School's opportunities unique.
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Questions & Answers

The Summit Difference

young children playing soccer

Three sports seasons with teams led by parent volunteers

four smiling girls

Clubs that offer social and service opportunities

three girls in lunchroom

A commitment to social-emotional learning

girl at microphone

Theater performances to bring out the star in every child

two boys working on project

A makerspace to support tailored, hands-on projects

girl holding a pumpkin

Hands-on learning opportunities

smiling teacher with student

Trained and enthusiastic teachers

teacher with students at a table

Math and literacy coaches who supplement classroom lessons


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