
Tonnage.  That's what Summit students produce. Tonnage.

Summit students write more than those who attend large schools. The need to write down their thoughts across all their classes not only makes them compelling communicators,  but it also sharpens their thinking.  One can not write well unless one thinks well. 

We place highly competent teachers with small groups of students, so they receive deep, rich and individualized feedback.  At The Summit, writing is the vehicle through which we transform our world.  

Imagine walking into one of our materials rich Montessori classrooms and witnessing fully attuned students sounding out words phonetically using the moveable alphabet. Take a few steps down the hall into our Lower School and encounter students writing art criticism essays which go on to win awards at the state level. Then, meander into the Middle School where students are mastering the essay and where the library includes published books filled with the works of our Middle School students. Enter the Upper School, where seven of the nine students from the  Greater-Cincinnati area who have been published in the national Concord Review came from the very halls in which you are standing.  It’s no wonder that 89 percent of our college-age alumni rank their writing ability higher than their college peers.    

At The Summit, there is a long and rich lineage of great teachers who have created a culture of writing that not only endures but deepens with each passing year. It is this culture of writing that has allowed the written word of Summit students to literally change the world – families torn apart by war have been reunited, veterans who never shared their full story allow us to give them voice and survivors of genocide feel justice has been restored because the tragedies that happened to their families now will never be forgotten.  

"The greatest thing about The Summit's writing program is that I was writing college-level papers in high school. We learned to think clearly and to write consisely, organizing our thought well. This made the transition to college nearly seamless and, in fact, served me well throughout my undergrad experience."


Victoria Walton '19
Summit Magazine, January 2019

Theresa Rager '13
Summit Magazine, January 2013