The Summit Fund

Write your story on the hearts of others. Give The Summit advantage with a gift to The Summit Fund. 

The Summit Fund is the primary way in which parents, alumni and friends provide philanthropic gifts to The Summit each year. It directly supports the mission of The Summit by providing financial resources for program enrichment, financial assistance for students, and faculty recruitment, retention and professional development. This fund covers expenses throughout the school year outside of tuition costs including:

  • Program enrichment
  • Innovative curriculum
  • Professional development
  • Tuition-assistance
  • Campus beautification
  • Facilities maintenance of the school and athletics’ complex
The Summit Fund logo
Angel Donor logo

The Angel Donor program provides an opportunity to achieve The Summit advantage by subsidizing the tuition of students who require financial assistance.

Angel Donors commit to a minimum of four years to sponsor a student. These benefactors prepare young people for success by helping them meet their full potential.

The Leaders of Character Society is the flagship organization within The Summit Fund. The collective monies raised within each giving circle are designated to the needs of the school that extend beyond the normal annual operating costs. Membership to each giving circle is organized by donation amount. 

The Summit’s fiscal year operates from July 1 through June 30. Gifts received by June 30 are designated to that fiscal year. 

Leaders of Character Summit Fund logo

Give Now

For more information about giving to The Summit, contacT

Jim Jackson | Chief Philanthropy Executive 
(513) 871-4700 x 242

Michele Duda | Development Director
(513) 871-4700 x 243

We'd love to speak with you. 
Make an appointment to visit The Development Office located on the first floor of the Main Building.