Endowment and Foundation

A Gift for Generations

All endowments have a story to tell about the donors who created them, and those stories are an enduring part of The Summit’s history because of the permanence of an endowment. 

The Summit Endowment in honor of Edward C. Tyrrell was created from invested gifts that provide stable, sustained revenue to support their intended purpose. These gifts are made possible through the generous investments of alumni, parents and friends to demonstrate their support and passion for The Summit. 

Endowed funds are established to provide ongoing permanent support for designated funding recipients by use of interest earned on endowments, rather than at the expense of the funds themselves. The Summit Country Day School Foundation is the fiduciary of endowed funds, and its mission is to prudently manage those funds to support The Summit in perpetuity. These funds may be created for various purposes, including faculty support, student scholarships, curriculum innovation and building and grounds enhancement. Specific donation amounts are required to establish an endowed fund. 

Designate Your Gift

teacher with studends

Unrestricted Fund:
Endowment gifts designated to the area of greatest need. An unrestricted donation to the endowment allows the school flexibility to use the gift to respond to the school's greatest needs at the time the gift is made.  

Students holding certificates

Scholarship and Financial Aid:  An endowed scholarship can be named and designated for specific use when a fund reaches $100,000 threshold. Naming an endowed scholarship preserves a benefactor’s interest in The Summit and can honor or memorialize a loved one, friend, classmate or business.  

Students and teacher in lab coats

The Summit experience is distinguished by how we individualized instruction,  innovative technology, state-of-the art labs and centers of excellence. These endowments support discretionary funds for curricular innovations and academic initiatives.

priest gives first communion to girl

Providing support will help to develop educational programs and support the Notre Dame learning community hallmarks that expand our understanding of global diversity and celebrate the richness of that heritage.  

Gym Teacher with students

Consider endowing an athletic program, coach or teams. These endowments provide long-term financial security through sustained revenue. Endowed positions ensure stability in an academic and athletic program over time while allowing students and athletes to benefit by learning from the best teachers and coaches.

coed students talking

Faculty and Staff teach children to have a growth mindset, to practice empathic listening, to make decisions based on principle, and to resolve conflict through negotiation. Students are challenged with ethical and social dilemmas to provide them with critical thinking skills and reasoning. 

girls in art class

Consider a gift to support fine arts, writing, performance, or other creative pursuits. Endowed gifts allow faculty and staff to continue creative and artists endeavors set forth for our students.  

teacher on floor with students

Faculty and Staff Support: Endowed funds allow teaching efforts to expand to retainment, recruitment, and retention of the best teachers and staff support in the Cincinnati region. 

aerial view of school

Campus Enhancement and Beautification:
Help us maintain the beautiful landscape on our 24-acre main campus or 16-acre Athletic complex with a focus on enhancing the educational experience, improving safety and augmenting the quality of life for our students, faculty, staff and visitors.